Cool Day For Jogging

I'm a 26 year old graduate student studying psychology in Nebraska. I find the human mind thoroughly fascinating in its plasticity and interconnectedness. I originally received my Bachelor's in another field, but I found myself captivated by the very few psychology courses I had taken during my undergrad and decided to pursue it. My hopes with my Master's degree is not to go into the professional psychology field but rather just to understand the human better; therefore allowing me to entirely understand myself, life, and those around me. People mean a lot to me. Not just anyone, but literally everyone. I love all of life-- the foliage, the people, and the inanimate objects that bring beauty and meaning to the planet. I am a genuinely joyful person who smiles at aspects of life that so many people overlook; such as green plants, dreary clouds above, an elderly couple holding hands, and of course... puppies! I adore spreading my happiness and positivity daily. I believe that we are the product of how we give to others and how we take care of ourselves. I enjoy long walks on the beach (cliche but totally true) and influencing others around me in positive and gracious ways. My eclectic natures in passions, proficiencies, and skill sets stems from my upbringing. I was raised Roman Catholic under stringent family values and traditions. But, I was thoroughly blessed that my family continually exposed me to knew ideas, manners of thought, and seeking to explore my own body and personality. Being raised Roman Catholic in this century is not easy with the temptations of society. Yet, I remain faithful to each and every lover I've ever commited, to my faith, and above all, to myself. My faith means a great deal to me. I soon hope to find a husband, with whom we will raise our children in a similar loving, Italian, and Catholic home. Let's be clear. I don't own my faith simply because I was told to growing up. I whole-heartedly give my life to my faith because it's important to believe in eternal love, selflessness, & there may be more than our telescopes and space ships can even locate. Again, I do hope to marry soon, and have 4, maybe 5 if he'll allow beautiful healthy children who are raised to become great. And whatever their definition of great may be.
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Teen Dream